With the release of the new BBC2 show, White Gold, it’s exciting to see how far double-glazing has come in the last thirty years. Back then, it was almost impossible to get a window that would last you longer than a couple of months, due to bad quality and lack of information given to the client. The show features arrogant salesmen who aren’t averse to lying outrageously to get a sale of a product they know isn’t good, so it’s a wonder that they managed to sell any double-glazing at all.
Set in the 1980s, White Gold mimics a time where double-glazed uPVC windows and uPVC doors had just come onto the market. Most windows before this time had been manufactured in steel or timber, which meant this new development was a luxury few could afford. Times have changed, however, and now most modern houses have this once sought-after commodity. Double-glazing is almost standard now, but who’s to say it can’t still be luxurious?
At Homebrite windows, we offer so much more than the simple, cheap double-glazing you see on the TV show. We have an impressive array of different materials, finishes, and products that we hope Vincent Swan would be jealous of. All our windows and doors are premium quality and have been expertly researched and developed to an enviably high standard. It’s probably safe to say that Homebrite are far more experienced in customer service and workmanship, considering that all our products have excellent security.
You can be assured that none of us vaguely resemble Vincent and the White Gold men, who are only made up of unruly con artists. We are an experienced, efficient company who pride ourselves on excellent customer service, premium quality products and unrivalled workmanship. We won’t lie to you just to get a sale, and we price everything reasonably and precisely. Our products are entirely reliable, and all come with a 10-year guarantee, something that Vincent could never truthfully promise. You’ll even receive a certificate that confirms all building regulations have been adhered to.
So don’t trust a character like Vincent Swan with something as important as the security and aesthetic of your home. Instead of a man who is going to rip you off with his extortionately priced products, you need a trustworthy team of people like Homebrite, who only have you in mind and want you to get the best deal with the greatest quality possible.
Start your online quote today, or get in touch with us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.