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In some cases, planning permission will be needed for windows. These such instances are typically related to the style and size of the new windows, the area of the house in which they are being installed, and the house itself. We’ve put together this guide to help you understand planning permission rules when replacing your windows.

How to get planning permission for windows approved

In order to obtain planning permission, contact with the local planning authority will need to be made through the local council or applications can be made online. Generally, planning permission is needed when changing the use of the building, making a major change or if constructing something new. However, when you use an approved installer, like us, we’ll take are of any planning permission concerns and communications for you.

What is the difference between planning permission and building regulations?

Planning permission is not to be confused with building regulations, with the former mostly related to the outward appearance of the building and preventing work being done that would not be in keeping with the local area. Building regulations mainly revolve around the general design and construction, safety standards and the structural planning of the property.

Planning permission Vs permitted development rights

Many home improvements can be made without needing planning permission, through something called permitted development rights. These allow those looking to make additions or improvements to their home an easier route to carry out certain work. They were introduced by the government to allow the renovation or extension of a property to be undertaken without the need for a full planning application.

The restriction or removal of those rights falls under an Article 4 direction, which means a planning application would be needed, even if the work being carried out wouldn’t usually need one. The Article 4 direction will likely come into effect if the house is located in conservation areas and other such places. They are put in place by the local authority in order to control work that could provide a threat to the character of those protected areas.

As there are a number of intricacies within the terms of permitted development rights, it could be a good idea to ask your installer if you have any further questions or concerns.

Planning permission rules for listed buildings

Listed buildings will also need planning permission in order for work to be carried out, be it internal or external. Permission must be sought and granted before pressing ahead with any changes or renovations, regardless of whether the windows chosen are in keeping with retaining the size or periodic style of those being replaced. Here at Homebrite, no matter what type of home you have, we can handle any planning permission concerns for you.

Other things to consider with planning permission and new windows

In terms of windows at the side of the house or on the upper floor, planning permission will often not be required, unless they are at a side elevation. In this case, the windows must be glazed by obscured glass typically at level four or five, which are the highest levels of obscurity available meaning visibility inside is limited. If the new windows are not obscured enough, then planning permission will be needed.