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From the 15th of June 2022, changes to the Building Regulations will be enforced. The changes have been made primarily to Parts F and L, as well as the creation of Part O. The changes are largely centred around improving energy efficiency and the general health and safety of homeowners and occupants. There is also a concerted effort behind the updates to work towards the carbon net-zero emissions target for 2050. Here are four things that you need to know about the updates.

1)    A reduction of carbon emissions in new builds

White Flush SashThe changes have been introduced to work towards cutting carbon emissions significantly. They are also in place to help ease the transition to the Future Homes Standard that will be introduced in 2025. The regulation alterations will make it mandatory for new homes to cut carbon emissions by 30%.

Other new builds will need to cut carbon emissions by 27%. In terms of the updated regulations themselves, Part F relates to improving ventilation and Part L revolves around energy efficiency. Part O has been introduced to protect buildings from overheating.

2)    Mandatory introduction of trickle vents

The updated Approved Document F includes the mandatory inclusion of trickle vents on any new or replacement windows. All rooms that have external walls are required to have background ventilation available. Trickle vents provide a subtle way of allowing a steady flow of fresh air within a property.

In turn, they can help to reduce condensation and generally improve ventilation. While not used as a main source of ventilation, they are still a requirement and a useful addition.

3)    Creation of Approved Document O

Approved Document O has been created to help reduce overheating in new builds. It is aimed at protecting homeowners and occupants of homes and reducing the chances of indoor temperatures reaching high levels. The aim to reduce any instance of excess heat or unwanted solar gain will impact the type and amount of glazing that will be installed within a property.

Edwardian Conservatory

4)    Preparation towards Future Homes Standard introduction in 2025

Many of the changes to the Building Regulations will provide a helpful transition into the impending Future Homes Standard that will be put in place in 2025. The Standard has primarily been introduced to reduce the amount of emissions that homes currently deliver.

From 2025, the target is to have new builds producing between 75 and 80% fewer carbon emissions than under the present regulations. New homes will be built with the future in mind, with the installation of low carbon heating systems that provide an improvement in energy efficiency.

Range of home improvement products ideal for properties throughout Kent

At Homebrite, we offer a whole host of double glazing products to improve homes in and around Kent. From sliding sash windows to composite doors and a wide selection of conservatories, we have something to enhance any style of property. Contact us today on 0800 677 1211 or get a free quote online.